Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Justin Bieber "Sorry" Parody | I'M 40 | The Holderness Family (FUNNY)

Check out this hysterical parody of Bieber's 'Sorry' from The Holderness Family called 'I'm 40'. Anyone with kids will appreciate this, even if you aren't 40 yet.

This is literally how my wife and I plan our nights out on the weekends. We purposely have the babysitter come early enough so we don't have to give the kids dinner or tubs, and don't have to deal with the hell that is bedtime.

We get some dinner and drinks in, maybe a movie, and we are still home early enough to get a good night's sleep and be ready for the torturous 6 AM wake up call that is our kids. It might sound lame to some, but it's definitely how you have a good night out when you get old. Funny stuff.

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